September 5, 2022, 14:00 – 15:00 CET


The Young European Associated Researchers (YEAR) network is happy to present
our next online webinar about “Quantum Technologies”. The training will be presented by Dr. Himadri Majumdar (VTT), Dr. Gediminas Juska (Tyndall) and Dr. Önder Gül (TNO).

In this webinar the topics covered by Dr. Majumdar include:

  • Introduction on Quantum Computing
  • What does VTT do specifically in Quantum Computing which others might not?
  • The future of Quantum Computing (and where could it be applied for)
  • The Challenge in Quantum Computing

While the topics covered by Dr. Juska include:

  • The concept of a Quantum Dot (QD) and applications for Quantum Technologies.
  • Pyramidal site-controlled QDs:
    • Engineering flexibility;
    • Sources of single and polarization-entangled photons;
    • Progress towards the cluster state realization.

Register here!


Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers. Quantum machines are very different from the classical computers readily available.

Even supercomputers with thousands of classical CPU and GPU cores may struggle to solve certain kinds of problems with a high degree of complexity. Quantum algorithms take a new approach to these sorts of complex problems. Indeed, classical computers get bogged down trying to model natural systems (i.e., chemical reactions and folding proteins) and quantum computers offer a new set of tools to understand the universe.

Quantum computers are thus poised to transform the way research is carried out, and we hope that this webinar could help you realize the important work that is currently ongoing in the RTOs in YEAR in this field.


Dr. Himadri Majumdar – Lead, Quantum Programmes, VTT

Himadri Majumdar, Ph.D is the Program Manager for Quantum Technologies at VTT. In his role he helps companies in quantum technology domain – especially fabless start-ups – to utilize VTT’s R&D expertise and infrastructure in quantum technologies and to create new products and pave the path for them from lab to fab. Himadri is a founding member of the Finnish Quantum technologies ecosystem, InstituteQ, and leads the business arm of the ecosystem, BusinessQ. His ambition is to see Quantum technology becoming a Finnish success story and make the Finnish quantum ecosystem grow even stronger through cooperation with the European community and participating in various European initiatives in the sphere. He is one of Finland’s country representatives in the European Quantum Industry Consortium, QuIC. Himadri has 20 years of experience in innovation and innovation management and is trained as an experimental physicist with 20+ research articles in international journals. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Åbo Akademi University in Finland.

Dr. Gediminas Juska – Researcher, CMOS++, Tyndall

Gediminas Juska is a researcher at Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland. His main research interests are in engineering and spectroscopic characterization of site-controlled quantum dots (QDs), QD-based devices for potential quantum information processing applications. He received his PhD in Physics in 2013 from University College Cork with the thesis titled ‘Pyramidal quantum dots: single and entangled photon sources and correlation studies’. Currently, he is managing the project funded by SFI’s Starting Investigator Research Grant. The project aims to demonstrate QDs as sources of multiparticle entangled states – cluster states – for a measurement-based quantum computation approach. Dr. Juska is the author of 39 papers in peer-reviewed journals (including two Nature Photonics publications as the first author).



Dr. Önder Gül – TNO Quantum Technology group

Önder Gül did their PhD research at QuTech, Delft University of Technology on superconductor-semiconductor nanowire hybrids for topological quantum computing, obtaining their degree in 2017 for demonstrating a ballistic topological superconductor. Önder then moved to Harvard University to work on topological superconductivity in two-dimensional materials and realized the first topological device for universal quantum computation. Since 2022, Önder has been working for TNO’s Quantum Technology Group at Delft to develop a quantum computer prototype based on spin qubits.